What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing can be described as therapy for the soul. The goal is that the various subtle energy systems that make us human beings return to a healthy balance and that all body cells communicate harmoniously with each other. This creates a feeling of balance - both on a physical and mental level. To achieve this result I use different energies flowing through my hands. Nothing else is needed or used. 

Do you feel mentally stressed or emotionally drained? Are you in physical pain? Have you tried traditional medicine options and nothing seems to work? Let me help improve the quality of your life!

I offer these treatment options:

• Bioenergetic vitalisation treatment for stress and exhaustion

• Energetic elimination of reaction patterns to heavy metals, light metals, chemical substances, trans fats

• Energetic treatment of stressful feelings

• Energetic transformation of mental energy patterns caused by traumatic experiences

• Energetic treatment of physical ailments and pain issues

• Energetic alignment of the spine

• Energetic treatment of allergic reaction patterns

• Energising living space and harmonization of radiation influences

About me




2010 Kundalini Yoga

2012 Meditative Healing Arts (SNR)

2018 Intelligence of Life Healing Course

My journey

My own inner project began at the age of 28. This was the start of an exciting and insightful journey to my deeper feelings, emotions, thoughts, my consciousness and subconscious awareness. I realised that in addition to the visible world there is also a subtle invisible world in the form of energies. 

It  totally transformed my life  and now I would like to share this experience, power and talent for healing in order to help other people to achieve a feeling of balance on a physical and mental level. 

To date, authors such as Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Robert Betz, Erich Fromm, Mooji, Sadhguru, Bruce Lipton and Osho continue to be important sources of inspiration for me.


I meditate daily since 2010 which I combine with regular practice  of yoga as well as spending time by the sea and in nature. 

In addition, I continue to further my education in my own field  to better support and accompany many people on their way to improve their quality of life through spiritual healing.

Frankly Healing

The play on words "Frankly Healing" combines my first name and my mission into one meaning.

The focus is on the values ​​of honesty, sincerity and openness in dealings with my fellow human beings.

Appointments and Contact

I am happy to offer a free and non-binding consultation (in English or German) of around 30 minutes, in which we can find out whether we would like to work together and potential treatment options available.

Treatment duration and frequency depends on personal needs. Therefore the cost varies based on individual circumstances.

For your peace of mind, you can contact current and past clients.

I'm just a phone call away: +49 174 1911988. Feel free to contact me via SMS, Telegram, Signal, Threema or email: franklyhealing@gmail.com


At the moment I'm traveling around Europe. For this reason, many of my treatments now take place remotely.

If you are in my area, I will be glad to arrange a face-to-face meeting.